Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy (Really Late) 4th...

I've shot fireworks the last couple of years at the Tye fireworks display and some years have been better than others. The first year I went out their was pretty miserable since I think I parked in a swamp and gotten eaten alive by mosquitoes. Last year turned out pretty cool. This years wasn't so great, it was rainy and nasty out and honestly I was kind of scared it may be canceled. The other pain in the ass was we had the bright idea to shoot this live this year for the next day's paper. In the past this fireworks show was always done on July 3, and allowed for us to add it into our fourth coverage. But, since the fourth was on Saturday this year they did the celebration on the fourth. The problem was with the rain it backed everything up there were some difficulties so the show started 20 minutes late. And my deadline was 10 minutes later. I basically had enough time to shot the beginning of the show run to my car and send pix from my laptop. I shot from the park where the fireworks were being shot, in the past I walked up and down the highway finding people watching from in and on their cars. I think it made better photos but took more time. Since I was on a tight schedule I stuck close. Given the constraints I had I'm happy with what I got but would have like more time to look for something better.

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