Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Return of the Redheaded Stranger...

Willie Nelson returned to Abilene for another concert recently. With a distinct lack of nationally-known acts coming through town it's always cool to get a decent concert to come through town. Outside of Kansas just recently, I can't remember big concert here since the last time Willie came through town. This time, however, he had an opening act. His son, Lukas, opened up for him. It was a lot different from Willie. Lukas can rock out on the guitar. And if I were there for the concert I'd have probably enjoyed it a lot more. But, having been up against a deadline I spent most of my time staring at my watch hoping he'd be finishing up soon, so I could get a few different shots. Luckily it got over with enough time for me to get shots from up close and a few wide shots in the back and still get back in time to make deadline.


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