Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

With the majority of the area going up in flames and the fear of what hasn't burned yet being ready to burn many of the towns around the area cancelled their fireworks this year. However, a few places did keep their shows, mostly the few places that can shoot off the fireworks over a lake... something else that's drying up. So, Clyde was still having their show, in fact they were having two, one on Friday and one on Saturday. Our plan was to run the photos on Sunday, so I really needed to shoot the show on Friday night since our Saturday night deadlines are about 10 minutes before the show would actually start. When I got their and set up I figured I had a pretty decent spot. Then when the fireworks actually started I found out I was way too far back I ended up running with my tripod and cameras up to a few people who were watching from a little bit closer rock. When the finale started I still hadn't gotten a shot I liked, I began to panic a little and started shooting a lot, going with long exposures on my camera on the tripod and wide angle lens, my other camera I had my 70-200mm lens on and went filling up the frame with the fireworks and noticed the reflection of the lake in the shot. As I was leaving I wasn't sure if I had a shot or not, so when I got back tot he office and was looking at what I had it was starting to be a little disappointing, then I saw the above shot, and what made it for me was seeing the people's silhouettes in the bottom left of the frame. A big sigh of relief, I had my shot and luckily it was about the only shot I really liked. But, it worked out well as the main photo on the front page, though it probably could've run a little bigger.

1 comment:

Silkweeds said...

Hi Tom, it's MOM and I just want to tell you your fireworks pix are wonderful, Lisa and I are admiring them.....I told her "Yup, he is talented".....he just forgets to call me. I love you.