Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Virginia...

Getting a brief break from football... I'll never complain about shooting too much football, but it is always nice to change gears every once in a while. I shot the 100th birthday part for Ms. Virginia Boyd Connally. Hundredth birthday parties used to be somewhat of a big deal, but with the way medicine has advanced lately making it to 100 isn't quite as much of a feat. However, when that person is responsible for helping that cause then the story is justified. Ms. Connally, a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University, was the first female physician top open a practice in Abilene, back in 1940. So, the Abilene Womens Club was throwing her a big birthday bask, after her alma mater had thrown a party for her earlier.
It was a really nice event, there was a long line of people waiting to speak to the guest of honor. I was making a few photos of her speaking with everyone, then a guy came up and asked if I'd be taking pictures of them, I told him I was with the newspaper and was just shooting candids. He kind of chuckled and walked off, the next thing I know him and his friend walk up to her and both give her a big kiss on each cheek. It made for a fun photo. Afterward I went to get their names and told them, if I'd have known you guys were going to do that my answer would have been yes definitely! It made for a good laugh and nice photo. After the receiving line the Hardin-Simmons Cowboy Band came in to play "Happy Birthday" for her and serenade her. It made for some really nice photos and was cool to see how genuinely happy and excited she was about the serenade.

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