Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ending the Regular Season With a Fizzle...

Last Friday was the final football game of the regular season. Wylie was playing Brownwood in Brownwood to end the regular season. This week was kind of a weird week since all the playoff spots were set and there were really none of the games had any bearing on what was going to happen in the playoffs. So, I picked the game I figured would be a decent game at least. Well, the game wasn't a great game, but it was quick. Both teams kind of went old school and ran the ball so much that the first half lasted barely more than an hour. The game was so quick it was over before 10pm. I don't think I've ever covered a game that finished that quick. So, even though it was a really ugly game it almost made it worth it given how quickly it was over, plus there were a few decent images made despite how quickly the clock was spinning.







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